
,2016年11月3日—ThebeautifullyanimatedshortisaptlycalledUNSATISFYING,andispainfullyonpoint.Itshowssmall,annoyingmomentslikeaspoon ...,,WatchtheUnsatisfyingvideoinmotiondesignwritten,illustratedandanimatedbyParallelStudio.Acompilationofeverydaylifefrustratingmoments.,,,2021年6月9日—Avideoaboutunsatisfyingsituations:thefrustrating,annoying,disappointinglittlethingsofeverydaylife,thataresopainfult...

This beautifully animated video is an ode to everything ...

2016年11月3日 — The beautifully animated short is aptly called UNSATISFYING, and is painfully on point. It shows small, annoying moments like a spoon ...

Unsatisfying - Parallel Studio

Watch the Unsatisfying video in motion design written, illustrated and animated by Parallel Studio. A compilation of everyday life frustrating moments.

Unsatisfying Moments Animated

2021年6月9日 — A video about unsatisfying situations: the frustrating, annoying, disappointing little things of everyday life, that are so painful to live ...

Unsatisfying situations animation by Parallel Studio.

2023年2月26日 — Unsatisfying situations animation by Parallel Studio.